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Business Succession Planning

    What is a Business Succession Plan?

    A Business Succession Plan determines how your Business will be transferred to others and outlines the steps necessory to prepare for the Transition.

    The Plan affects You, your Family, Employees, Clients, Suppliers, Creditors and Others. A good Succession Plan ensures that your wishes will be carried out if you should die suddenly or can no longer run your Business due to an Illness or Disabling Injury, It can also help you ease into Retirement or provide a Retirement Income.

    Should you have a Business Succession Plan?

    If you own a Business the answer is YES.

    Business Succession Planning is really an extension of your Personal Estate Plan but with a focus on the future operation of your Business.

    We will provide a CHECK LIST of Items to consider and a step by Strategy to ensure that You and Your Business are protected in case of a sudden Illness or Death befalls you.

    Plan now ... it is too important to postpone.

          Please contact me today:

          Ronald C. Sparkes, CFP,CLU,CH.F.C.
          Chartered Financial Consultant

          Bus:    +1.709-576-1669
          Cell:    +1.709-682-3100
          Fax:    +1.709-576-1832 