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Estate Planning
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Estate Planning
    Estate Planning - The orderly arrangement of one's Financial Affairs to maximize the value transferred at Death to the people and instituations favored by the deceased, with minimum loss of value because of Taxes and forced Liquidation of Assets.

    Estate Planning is the process of strategizing how, when and to whom, the proceeds of your accumulated wealth is distributed.

    You'll need to understand the Legal and Tax Ramifications of your request, and how they impact the value of the Estate and its obligations.

    The Cornerstone of Estate Planning is the Will and a clear understanding of the Estate Planning Objectives, in particular the Tax consequences to the deceased's Estate.

    We believe it is better to Plan with the help of Professionals.

          Please contact me today:

          Ronald C. Sparkes, CFP,CLU,CH.F.C.
          Chartered Financial Consultant

          Bus:    +1.709-576-1669
          Cell:    +1.709-682-3100
          Fax:    +1.709-576-1832 